What is Poetic Intelligence? {P.I.}

Poetic Intelligence is an easily learned method to save imagination, and an inspired new way of engaging with your world.

Once learned, always available, for all life…

Poetic Intelligence is a creativity-driven, immediately-applicable framework that uses poetry concepts to unlock innovative thinking, abstraction, and deeper engagement to dismantle communication barriers. Results are clearer communication, expression confidence, and strengthened teams.

Many have definite opinions about what poetry is or isn't; which is why presenting how to approach poetry as an amazingly powerful, surprising method to OPEN UP INTELLIGENCE in NEW WAYS. While it is indeed creative, there are CONCRETE TOOLS for how to approach poetry, how to decipher meaning, and how to avoid embedded neurological pitfalls which proliferate assumption. Innovative thinking REQUIRES NEW abstraction and conceptual processing.

By presenting relevant poetry, walking participants step-by-step through 3 KEY poetry elements--OBSERVATION, CURIOSITY, & INVITATION--and having them write in response, participants discover how to integrate & apply Poetic Intelligence into their own lives & ensuing workflows. Once Poetic Intelligence is learned, all forms of communication are impacted. Expression and confidence boosts are immediate. Dynamic shifts are profound.

Observation. Curiosity. Invitation. Your Poetic Intelligence path to unimagined innovation & creative liberation

No matter your thoughts of or experience with poetry, Poetic Intelligence is easily learned, readily applied, and promises to re-ignite your imagination!