Poetic Intelligence in Motion

 Now’s the time to go beyond-the-box to save imagination. With the onslaught of A.I. brain-power is getting soft, dull, and atrophied. Poetic Intelligence is a revolutionary thought-model designed to shatter individual creative stagnation, and disrupt the status quo within corporate and educational environments. Results guaranteed.

Maybe you’re an Executive, and after decades of approaching work in specific ways, you need to reinvigorate your leadership vision. You need clear, highly-competent guidance to rediscover inspiration, purpose, and passion for your vision. You deserve the best!

Maybe you have a team of 12 managers, and you’re seeking to launch a company-wide initiative and need your managers to be more collaborative and integrated for outcome success. You need immediate results!

Maybe you’re the Chair of your Creative Writing Department at your University, and you’d like to offer some high-level educational development and creative support for your teachers. Maybe you're an administrator grappling with how to make your classrooms more equitable and inclusive. Poetic Intelligence methodology has been designed to create equity, student belonging, and confidence!

Maybe you’re wanting to start or finish a book that’s taken years to slog through. You’re overwhelmed, unsure of where the book needs to go, and can’t seem to find a clear creative path forward. You need to unlock, unblock, and find your writing freedom and flow!


  • Executive Coaching & Individuals

    My cutting-edge approach will change your life. Tap into your dormant expression. Ignite internal purpose, elevate creative capacity, disrupt stagnant thought patterns, evolve your leadership and revitalize a future vision. Executives need to refresh perspectives and find new pathways for leading. You also need to fill your own creative bucket to avoid burnout. Now. No more “someday.”

  • Corporate Keynotes, Training, & Workshops

    In the age of A.I. ensure your workforce stays creatively capable and sharp! Poetic Intelligence motivational keynote company-wide presentations, retreat facilitation for management teams to improve communication, collaboration, and innovation, staff workshops for mental health and well-being support. Custom video training series available for specific needs & departments. Offer something memorable.

  • Educational Settings, Conferences & Classrooms

    I present my innovative teaching thought-model at educational conferences through keynotes and workshops. Poetic Intelligence is a specifically-applied educational solution that addresses classroom equity, inclusivity, and accessibility. In an A.I. driven world, students and teachers need critical thinking and imagination to remain sharp, curious, and engaged. Too much technology deadens creative spark. I also teach P.I. in a variety of classrooms (philosophy, writing, and humanities) as a guest Poet/artist.

Skeptical about how poetry could be relevant to innovation let alone productivity? Awesome. Prepare to be awed! Let me guide you into how Poetic Intelligence’s proven power shifts company cultures, classrooms, and the ways you lead, excel, and imagine…Results guaranteed!