Poetic Intelligence {P.I.}
How P.I. Saves Human Imagination in an A.I. Consumed World.
About the Founder
Janna Lopez, MFA
Janna Lopez, writer and poet, has taught thousands of executives, clients, students, and educators, how to harness Poetic Intelligence for deeper thought innovation, educational escalation, and creative liberation.
Poetic Intelligence Keynote Presentations, Trainings, &Workshops for Executives, Corporations, Educational Institutions, & Arts Organizations
Imaginations must remain vital & kept alive in this age of machine-thinking
Poetic Intelligence: Real. Human. Inspiration.
Human Creativity
Keep the brains of your executives, educators, and students creatively alive and engaged in a time of machine-thinking. People are getting way too used to bypassing opportunities for creative experience and engagement. Slowly, the capacity to imagine is being eroded from having lack of ignition. Lots of small moments where real imagination can be applied are being ignored and bypassed for machine generated processing.
Accelerated Productivity
Helping executives foster a culture of innovation by enhancing their creative thinking abilities and empowering them to encourage disruptive ideas from their teams. This includes learning design thinking, brainstorming techniques, and creative problem-solving frameworks. Machines and AI can’t address nor solve the nuances of human miscommunication, hope, disappointment, or dreams.
Mental Health & Well-Being
Research-proven expressive writing method lowers blood pressure, relieves stress, depression, & anxiety. Having a designated process to grapple with emotions, thoughts, and ideas allows for reflection, release, and resolution. As a body, emotions are stored and need somewhere to go, somewhere to flow. Poetic Intelligence provides the process and the pathway for improved emotional and mental health outcomes.